Friday, November 19, 2010

back in London-town

after being in florence, where my senses where overstimulated, so much beauty, both in the art and natural beauty I thought 'how am I going to be satisfied with London?' But the weekend I returned I discovered so many new things. For once I returned it seemed that the season had changed and the leaves had turned. The beauty of Autumn had descended and I eased back in to London life by strolling to the old bookshop around the corner- full of ancient looking books on the history of London- Victorian London, Edwardian London it was all there.. the journey didn't end there.. the next day I strolled(in this habit from walking the cobblestone streets of florence) to a new part of my neighbourhood- Primose Hill, the cutest area I have seen in a long time. Quaint coffee shops, a market with fine cheese and wine, even a shop with original Matisse, Chagall, Picasso prints and sketches along with and amazing bookshop, gorgeous park where you can see all of London and the museum of everything! fantastic day out and it restored my faith in London. London I still love you, you still got it after a whole year of being near to you xx

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