Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuscany, amore mio!

In order to celebrate(or more like ignore) my birthday, I took a trip to the beautiful region of Tuscany. Starting in Pisa, from the second we arrived, took in the smells and the vibe of the city, we were at home. Being from italian backgrounds, I think Cosi and I both automatically relax when in this sort of environment. Strolling along to the leaning tower was quite a surreal experience, within the space of a couple of hours we had gone from a darker, icier London to a warmer climate where coconuts were presented with water flowing over them.. like a coconut fountain.. I was thirsty at the time so this scene, whilst obviously for the benefit of stupid tourists looked particularly attractive to me. Tourist gimmicks aside, the tower was seen and was not as tall nor grandiose as I did expect. I had the impression it was literally in the middle of nowhere in all its glory. This was not the case, it was right next to a cathedral, a baptistry and the Camposanto which to me where equally impressive buildings. Ok I will admit, the lean was pretty cool. The tower really is leaning at a crazy angle it looks like it could fall any minute and it is a pretty building in its own right. There was a big dose of cheesy tourists doing the whole 'Im holding up the tower' pose when really they just look ridiculous. A massive pizza, chianti wine (for 6€ only!) later, combined with a few espressos (drank at the bar of course) some fine art, market stall perusing.. and that was Pisa. Next on the tour, Florence!

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